Wishful Coding

Didn't you ever wish your
computer understood you?

Backwards Game of Life

I got a litlte bit nerd sniped by the following video and decided to implement game of life in clojure.core.logic, because any logic program can be evaluated forwards and backwards.

Without further ado here is my implementation:

(ns pepijndevos.lifeclj
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
  (:use clojure.core.logic)

;; A helper to get the neighbouring cells.
;; Clips to zero.
(defn get-neighbours [rows x y]
  (for [dx (range -1 2)
        dy (range -1 2)
        :when (not (= dx dy 0))]
    (get-in rows [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)] 0)))

;; Produces binary vectors of a certain number of bits.
;; This is used to generate all neighbour combinations.
(defn bitrange [n]
  (sort-by #(apply + %)
           (for [i (range (bit-shift-left 1 n))]
             (vec (map #(bit-and 1 (bit-shift-right i %)) (range n))))))

;; Encode the game of life rules as a 256 element conde.
;; Depending on the number of ones in a vector,
;; the corresponding rule is generated
;; that equates the pattern to the neigbours
;; and the appropriate next state.
;; This can be asked simply what the next state is for
;; given neighbours and current state.
;; OR you could drive it backwards any way you like.
(defn lifegoals [neigh self next]
   (for [adj (bitrange 8)
         :let [n (apply + adj)]]
       (or (< n 2) (> n 3)) (all (== next 0) (== neigh adj))
       (= n 3)              (all (== next 1) (== neigh adj))
       :else             (all (== next self) (== neigh adj))))))

;; Relate two grids to each other according to the above rules.
;; Applies lifegoals to every cell and its neighbours.
;; in the forwards direction executes one life step,
;; in the backwards direction generates grids
;; that would produce the next step.
(defn stepo [size vars next]
  (let [rows (->> vars (partition size) (map vec) (into []))
        neig (for [x (range size)
                   y (range size)]
               (get-neighbours rows x y))]
    (everyg #(apply lifegoals %) (map vector neig vars next))))

;; Make a grid of unbound variables.
(defn grid [size] (repeatedly (* size size) lvar))

;; Simply execute a life step on the state.
(defn fwdlife [size state]
  (let [vars (grid size)
        next (grid size)]
    (run 1 [q]
         (== q next)
         (== vars state)
         (stepo size vars next))))

;; Produce three backward steps on state.
(defn revlife [size state]
  (let [start (grid size)
        s1 (grid size)
        s2 (grid size)
        end (grid size)]
    (run 1 [q]
          (== q [start s1 s2 end])
          (== end state)
          (stepo size s2 end)
          (stepo size s1 s2)
          (stepo size start s1)

;; Nicely print the board.
(defn printlife [size grids]
  (doseq [g grids]
    (doseq [row (->> g (partition size) (map vec) (into []))]
      (doseq [t row]
        (print t ""))
      (print "\n"))
    (print "\n")))

;; Test with a glider.
(defn -main [& args]
  (->> [0 0 0 0 0 0
        0 0 0 0 0 0
        0 0 0 1 1 0
        0 0 1 1 0 0
        0 0 0 0 1 0
        0 0 0 0 0 0]
       (revlife 6)
       (printlife 6)))


$ clj -Mrun
1 0 1 0 1 1 
1 0 0 0 0 1 
0 0 1 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 1 
1 0 1 1 0 0 
1 0 1 1 1 1 

0 1 0 0 1 1 
0 0 0 1 1 1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 1 1 1 0 0 
0 0 1 0 0 1 
0 0 1 0 1 0 

0 0 0 1 0 1 
0 0 0 1 0 1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 1 1 1 0 0 
0 0 0 0 1 0 
0 0 0 1 0 0 

0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 1 1 0 
0 0 1 1 0 0 
0 0 0 0 1 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0

Sadly, this is nowhere near fast enough to solve the play button problem.

Why Are Guillotine Blades Angled? (analyzed)

This is a theoretical counterpart to an experimental collaboration between KnowArt and Proper Printing to see if a diagonal guillotine blade cuts better than a horizontal one.

A raised guillotine blade has a certain potential energy which is transferred to the contact point between the blade and the neck. So let’s assume a frictionless spherical cow, I mean neck, and calculate the contact point, force, and energy as a function of the angle of the blade.

The equation of a circle is given by \(x^2-y^2=r^2\), so a horizontal blade intersecting the circle of radius \(r\) at height \(y\) intersects the circle at \(x=\pm\sqrt{r^2-y^2}\). The length of the cut is therefore \(L(y)=2\sqrt{r^2-y^2}\).

For a diagonal blade, we can rotate the reference frame to be aligned to the blade, such that the knife has a horizontal component of \(y\sin(\theta)\) and a vertical component of \(y\cos(\theta)\), creating a contact patch of \(L(y\cos(\theta))=2\sqrt{r^2-y^2\cos^2(\theta)}\).

rotated guillotine

So now we can express the force from the contact area in terms of some constant \(k\) as \(F(y)=kL(y)\) perpendicular to the blade edge, resulting in a vertial and horizontal component:

\[\begin{aligned} F_x(y)&=\sin(\theta)kL(y)\\ F_x(y)&=\sin(\theta)k2\sqrt{r^2-y^2\cos^2(\theta)}\\ F_y(y)&=\cos(\theta)kL(y)\\ F_y(y)&=\cos(\theta)k2\sqrt{r^2-y^2\cos^2(\theta)} \end{aligned}\]

This means that an angled blade creates “leverage” where less force but a longer travel is required. To be precise, the travel is given by \(\frac{2r}{\cos(\theta)}\).

vertical component of cutting force

To compute the total energy required for a cut, assuming the dominant force scales with the length of the contact patch, is the integral of the force over the vertical travel component.

\[W_y = k \cos(\theta) \int_{-\frac{r}{\cos(\theta)}}^{\frac{r}{\cos(\theta)}} L(y\cos(\theta)) dy\]

Now we can simplify by substituting \(u=y\cos(\theta)\), \(dy=\frac{du}{\cos(\theta)}\) and adjust the integration bounds accordingly, cancelling all \(\theta\) terms!

\[W_y = k \int_{-r}^{r} L(u) du\]

So just as much vertical energy is required to cut through the circle no matter the angle, but we’re also excerting a horizontal force. If the guillotine blade is running on math bearings this is of no concern, but for a wooden sled there is a (Coulomb) friction of \(F_c=\mu F_x\) giving

\[\begin{aligned} W_x &= \mu k \sin(\theta) \int_{-\frac{r}{\cos(\theta)}}^{\frac{r}{\cos(\theta)}} L(y\cos(\theta)) dy\\ W_x &= \mu k \tan(\theta)\int_{-r}^{r} L(u) du \end{aligned}\]

But what about the pointy blade? I’m not glad you asked because the math is more messy. We can consider one half of the pointy blade at a rotated reference frame. So we get the same \(L\) as before, but now the blade stops at the tangent line of the blade angle, as follows. But then once the point of the blade exits the circle it becomes two flat sections, forming a piecewise function.

pointy blade geometry

For the first part we have half of a flat blade length \(L\), the uncut section \(M\), and the pointy blade section \(N\)

\[\begin{aligned} L&=\sqrt{r^2-(\cos(\theta)h)^2} \\ M&=\tan(\theta)\cos(\theta)h\\ &=\sin(\theta)h \\ N&=L-M \\ &=\sqrt{r^2-(\cos(\theta)h)^2}-\sin(\theta)h \end{aligned}\]

Giving us

\[\begin{aligned} L_{tot} &=\begin{cases} 2\left(\sqrt{r^2-\cos^2(\theta)h^2}-\sin(\theta)h\right) & -r < h \leq r \\ 4\sqrt{r^2-\cos^2(\theta)h^2} & r < h \leq \frac{h}{\cos(\theta)} \\ \end{cases} \\ F_y &= \cos(\theta)k L_{tot} \end{aligned}\]

pointy force

For the total work, we already know the square root terms are independent of the angle. And since the sum of the integral is the same as the integral of the sum, we only need to concern ourselves with the \(\sin(\theta)h\) term.

\[\begin{aligned} W_p &= k\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta)\int_{-r}^r h dh \\ W_p &= k\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta)\left(\frac{1}{2}(-r)^2-\frac{1}{2}(r)^2\right) \\ W_p &= 0 \end{aligned}\]

So all our blades take the same amount of work to cut through an uniform saussage, with the diagonal blades being worse due to friction. The brachistochrone blade is left as an exercise to the reader.

But there is more to cutting than uniform math saussages. KnowArt indeed found that the diagonal blade seemed to perform worse than the flat blade due to friction. But the pointy blade performed better. The most likely explanation for this is that a horizontal slicing motion is beneficial for cutting. This makes intuitive sense to anyone who’s done some cooking, and was also explained to me by a medical doctor relative as the difference between a sword and a sabre.

But the story goes that the real reason the blade is diagonal is that the king suggested it might help with people with fat necks. Ironically his own fat neck ended on the block some time later.

Earth could be round, Earth could be flat, Earth could have violet sky

My dad likes to argue with flat earthers on Facebook, so I decided to steel man a consistent flat earth theory. The premise is simple: you just take a 3D azimuthal equidistant projection of the spherical world and rewrite physics in the new coordinate system. This is what it looks like:

This is very similar to a geocentric model of the universe, it’s not fundamentally wrong to choose earth as your reference frame, just very inconvenient for describing orbits around the sun. In the same way it’s not fundamentally wrong to assume the earth is flat, but it warps the rest of the universe in strange ways.

For example, here is a round earth. We observe ships disappearing over the horizon, and we observe day and night.

a round earth with a sun shining on it and a person looking at a ship on the horizon

Most flat earth models don’t tend to have satisfactory explanations for sunset, things disappearing behind the horizon, and eclipses. The solution is simple: light curves away from the earth. At some point sunlight curves back into space.

the inverse polar transform of the above image

In this model the sun is still further away than the moon, so a solar eclipse is simply the moon moving in front of the sun as usual. In a lunar eclipse, the light of the sun has to bend so deep that it would touch the earth before it could bend back up to the moon.

A lovely result from this flat earth model is that it clearly answers the questions what is below the earth: the singularity. Even better is that the density of the earth goes down the closer you get to the singularity, meaning the earth is in a sense hollow. Finally a grand unifying theory of hollow earth and flat earth models!

The downside of this model that physics isn’t independent of location and direction. For example the atmosphere is denser in the middle of the disk. A simple equation like \(F=ma\) becomes hellishly complicated if you want it to work everywhere. There is also a magic Pacman teleportation point on the south pole.

This model is internally consistent and impossible to falsify since it is simply a coordinate transform of conventional physics. You can’t make any observations that would disagree with the model and agree with a spherical model since they are the same universe. It is not possible to measure which way of looking at things is “real” because all your observations and tools are curved in the same way. Therefore, you could interpret the earth to be flat.

With the combined skills in Blender and mathematics of me and my brother, we managed to implement the flat earth coordinate transformation in Blender geometry nodes so that you can make a 3D model and see what it looks like on a flat earth.

Blender geometry nodes

We struggled to get lighting to work since Blender would render linear light after the transform, so instead we drew physical light cones with luminescent hemispheres that pass through the transform correctly. Unfortunately this means we can’t render eclipses, but the upside is you can really see the wild curves light makes on a flat earth.

We’ve theorized that it might be possible to bake lighting into the texture as is commonly done for video games, but it’s nice weather outside so we pressed render and left eclipses as an exercise to the reader.

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