With hundreds of blog posts and github repositories, you’d be forgiven for only seeing my most recent work rather than my most interesting work. To remedy this, I will attempt to create a short overview of some interesting projects.
Self-contained projects
Just some things I did for my own entertainment.
- Lib2k a library of clay tablets with media from the last couple of millenia.
- GPS PCB antenna a GPS patch antenna on FR4 designed completely from scratch.
- TCPoke allows you to connect your Game Boy to the Internet and trade Pokemon. It spans everything form custom hardware, z80 assembly, embedded C++, full-stack web development, and a bit of entrepreneurship.
- Bill’s Arduino laid the groundwork for Game Link spoofing.
- GB Paint deepened my knowledge about assembly programming and the Game Boy hardware.
- Pokemon Go Old used that knowledge to make a Pokemon Go clone on the Game Boy.
- Bicycle GPS Using a custom file format and lots of optimizations, I was able to render gigabytes of OpenStreetMap data on a kilobyte-sized Arduino Mega.
- Dwergmuis I made my own computer mouse. It’s not rocket science, but I’m proud of the result.
- Solar System Simulation A Processing sketch that simulates the solar system based on data form NASA.
- Gierzwaluw A Qt desktop app for sharing files over the local network.
- Twemail An email server in Twisted that acts as a proxy to the Twitter API.
Open Source libraries
From time to time I write a library that I think will be useful for other people.
- PyMouse My most popular and useful open source library, bringing a cross-platform mouse API to Python.
- PypRedis A Redis library for pumping data into Redis really fast. Used in production, but not actively developed.
- Begame A 2D game engine in Clojure
- perper A persistent hash map for Python
- ArmageDOM Clojure DSL for XML
- And many more…
Though I’m by no means a security expert, I know a thing or two about some types of vulnerabilities. So sometimes you stumble upon something odd, like
The only thing that actually made good money is some old-fashioned software consulting. But I did try various other things such as
- Selling clay tablets on Etsy
- Renting IRC servers to companies, using a fancy deploy automation script and some plugins for various pieces of IRC software.
- Selling a BB10 IRC client (now free) A native mobile App I wrote in collaboration with Heris IT.
- Selling LEGO Mindstorms building instructions (Now free)
- Selling on Tindie