Since I wrote a pattern matcher in under 50 lines of code, I do not feel like setting up an entire project for it, but I do want to use it in other projects and share it with you.
Those great folks at Github added git access to Gists a while back, and it turns out you can make Leiningen run in a flat structure with a few extra lines of project.clj.
This allows you to make cute mini projects with git access that can be installed and published and are embeddable and sharable.
First we tell Leiningen that our :source-path is the root dir. The other 2 lines are a bit of a hack to make sure only seqex.clj gets into the jar, Otherwise you'll get conflicts and broken jars.
Today I had some ideas for my game related to cellular automata that involved pattern matching. I googled, and found Matchure.
It might be a great pattern matcher, but the syntax and the amount of macro trickery makes me feel uncomfortable.
In an attempt to write one that relies only on functions, I made this.
Update: This is now a cute project-in-a-gist that can be used as a checkout dependency in Leiningen and Cake.
(nsseqex(:import[clojure.langFnIPersistentVectorIPersistentMap]))(defncps[functcont](fn[[f&r]](when-let[f(functf)](when-let[r(contr)](if(true?r)(if(true?f)[][f])(if(true?f)r(consfr))))))); (and (funct f) (cont r))))(def_(constantlytrue))(defendnil?)(defmultimatchertype)(defnmatch[patternitems]((reduce#(cps(matcher%2)%1)(rseqpattern))items))(defmethodmatcher:default[l](partial=l))(defmethodmatcherFn[f]f)(defmethodmatcherIPersistentVector[pattern](partialmatchpattern))(defmethodmatcherIPersistentMap[pattern](fn[m](every?identity(for[[kv]pattern](when-let[mv(getmk)]((matcherv)mv))))))(defmethodmatcherjava.util.regex.Pattern[pattern](partialre-findpattern)); returns match(defnstore[pattern](fn[s](when((matcherpattern)s)s)))(defmacrocond-let[&clauses](whenclauses(list`if-let(firstclauses)(if(nextclauses)(secondclauses)(throw(IllegalArgumentException."cond-let requires an even number of forms")))(cons`cond-let(next(nextclauses))))))
Creates a queued seq on another (presumably lazy) seq s. The queued
seq will produce a concrete seq in the background, and can get up to
n items ahead of the consumer. n-or-q can be an integer n buffer
size, or an instance of java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue. Note
that reading from a seque can block if the reader gets ahead of the
First I used it in Begame for decoupling the frame computation from the rendering. But for most games, this needs to work without the frames getting ahead of rendering.
That is when problems started to occur. While seque optionally takes a BlockingQueue as argument, it is not made to support exotic queues like SynchronousQueue(for Begame) and PriorityBlockingQueue(for heapsort), which do a bit more than just threading items through a queue.
Long story short, I submitted a bug report and wrote something that works for me.
Update: I'm not even sure It's possible anymore to write seque so that it works in all cases.
(nstest(:import[java.util.concurrentBlockingQueueLinkedBlockingQueueSynchronousQueuePriorityBlockingQueueCyclicBarrier])(:useclojure.test)(:refer-clojure:exclude[seque]));; some BlockingQueues are...;; not ordered;; not finite;; unable to contain nil;; without content;; mutable;; dropping or recieving extra items;; seque...;; fills the que on another thread;; propagates errors;; replaces nil with a sentinel;; detects the end of the input seq;; can be consumed on any thread(defnseque"Creates a queued seq on another (presumably lazy) seq s. The queued
seq will produce a concrete seq in the background, and can get up to
n items ahead of the consumer. n-or-q can be an integer n buffer
size, or an instance of java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue. Note
that reading from a seque can block if the reader gets ahead of the
producer."{:added"1.0"}([s](seque100s))([n-or-qs](let[^BlockingQueueq(if(instance?BlockingQueuen-or-q)n-or-q(LinkedBlockingQueue.(intn-or-q)))NIL(Object.);nil sentinel since BQ doesn't support nilss(map(fnilidentityNIL)s)channel(LinkedBlockingQueue.)fill(fnfill[s](try(if(seqs)(do(.putchannel#(.takeq))(.putq(firsts))(recur(nexts)))(.putchannel#(throw(InterruptedException.))))(catchExceptione(.putchannel#(throwe)))))fut(future(fills))drain(fndrain[](lazy-seq(try(cons((.takechannel))(drain))(catchInterruptedExceptionenil))))](map#(if(identical?%NIL)nil%)(drain)))))(defntrickle[slow](map#(do(Thread/sleep100)%)slow))(deftestidentity?(is(=(seque(range10))(range10))))(deftestpriority(is(=4(count(seque(PriorityBlockingQueue.)[:a:b:c:a])))))(deftestsynchronous(is(=(seque(SynchronousQueue.)(range10))(range10))))(deftestnils(is(=(seque[niltruefalse[]])[niltruefalse[]])))(deftesterrors(is(thrown?Throwable(dorun(seque(map#(throw(Exception.(str%)))(range10)))))))(deftestthreads(let[s(seque(SynchronousQueue.)(range10))f1(future(doalls))f2(future(doalls))](is(=(range10)@f1@f2))))(defnmoronic[]; untestable(let[q(LinkedBlockingQueue.100)](future(dotimes[_1000](Thread/yield)(.pollq)))(future(dotimes[_1000](Thread/yield)(.offerq:foo)))(sequeq(range1000))))