At the last Amsterdam Clojurians meetup, I gave a presentation with Hubert Iwaniuk, in which I wrote a wiki in 15 minutes, and Hubert explained what I was doing.
Unfortunately no video is available, but I made a Gitorial out of it to show you what I did. Typos included.
commit 9d2f91089dadbe795a16da9d84cb0da33cea9a37
Welcome to this gitorial. I just created an empty Leiningen project with
lein new wiki
and initiated git withgit init
commit e2156be6cbfc421e384ebb016699497501395131
I’m using Ring for serving my application, and Moustache for routing.
commit 1898d45e54d1ae6045742f8e5db3b8fbc1fb7141
I defined a router that will at this point match an empty address and return “hello world”. The -main function can be run with
lein run -m wiki.core
.Browsing to http://localhost:8080/ now should display “hello world”.
commit 5e68a78f30586ad5313072201df25e5b1eea76ac
A lot is going on here, form top to bottom:
I imported some Ring middleware. These modify the request and response on the fly. Note that wrap-reload and wrap-stacktrace are for debuging only.
I added the middleware to the Moustache app.
I added routes. The first route matches and WikiLink and binds it to title. The second one redirects all other links to the MainPage.
The #’ syntax is for getting the var instead of the value, to make reloading work.
At this point, visiting the same url should redirect to /MainPage and display “hello tester”
Changing this text does not require a server restart, so we can keep it running from now on.
commit ae78c9d640420d0154b22c66df581fa684b8aa48
I lied, to add a new dependency, you need to restart the server.
Hiccup is a DSL for generating HTML.
I defined a HTML template and a function for showing it that takes a request and a title.
Note that I used the underscore to denote we’re not using the request.
Delegate is a HOF that returns a function with the title alreadu supplied. Moustache supplies the request.
Try visiting /FooBar now.
commit cd24f552f7eefb470ac7b4357d01486e0fc9c888
I added Clutch as a dependency. Clutch is a library for CouchDB.
Install CouchDB and use Futon to create a wiki database and insert a “MainPage” document with a “content” key.
I defined my own Ring middleware that takes a handler and returns another function that calls the old handler in the context of our database.
The show function now gets a document from the database and passes its content to page.
commit f0c831708f397137b9aadf397376de2202f5cd60
You can now edit and create pages.
Page now takes a revision, which is used in the web form to update.
The update function does use the request object, and uses destructuring to extracts form data as parsed by wrap-params.
Depending if a revision was supplied, a new document is created or an existing one updated. Then, the page is shown.
Note how Moustache now delegates POST requests to update and GET requests to show.
commit 11588b8f1e591ea6415515ffa21e70ed630eef91
I added a Java library for Markdown parsing.
The markup function also replaces WikiLinks with an HTML link.
commit 235c551d57786f79c1867452de37b079a59606bd
Getting ready for deployment.
I removed the debugging wrappers and the var syntax(#’wiki).
Jetty now gets the port number from the environment/Foreman. This means it now runs at port 5000.
Install Foreman with
gem install foreman
I added a Procfile according to