Yesterday I had the idea of lazy sequences that can go in both directions. I dropped into #clojure on to ask someone about it.
Given the fact that Clojure-in-Clojure is possible, it is thus possible to define lazy seqs. Would it also be possible to define a lazy seq where the 0th element is actually in the middle of an infinite lazy seq extending in both ways? so like (iterate inc) with negative number included :)
I found Chris Houser(Author of Joy of Clojure) interested, and willing to help me along.
so... how shall we proceed? You want to see my code or should I try to drop hints or ask leading questions?
I went for the later one, and had a great learning experience. Near then end Paul deGrandis chimed in to recommend Joy of Clojure. I'm convinced!
Joy of Clojure has an awesome section on proxy, reify, defprotocol, and defrecord. I reference it often to judge if I'm abusing somethingAt the point you're at in Clojure (based on what I follow in here), you'd get a lot of mileage out of it.
Bellow You'll find a grep'd-over version of the log with most of the background noise canceled. The full log is at
The final code for my version
and chousers version
fliebel: Given the fact that Clojure-in-Clojure is possible, it is thus possible to define lazy seqs. Would it also be possible to define a lazy seq where the 0th element is actually in the middle of an infinite lazy seq extending in both ways? so like (iterate inc) with negative number included :)chouser: ISeq only provides an API for walking forwards. You'd need a different interface for walking the other direction.fliebel: Hrm :( that means I'll be unable to use with with existing functions, right?chouser: well, what existing function do you intend to call to get item before 'first'?fliebel: Dunno‚ I mean, if I'm not using ISeq, I can’t even use first, right?chouser: well, your theoretical bidirectional lazy seq could implement ISeq for going forwardfliebel: Oh wait, Java, so I can implement ISeq and add my own interface and fns for going the other way.fliebel: How about this‚ you define a lazy seq like iterate but with 2 fns, for going in either direction. then you call spin on it to change which direction you're seqing over :)chouser: hm, interesting.fliebel: So, what Clojure bits do I need to implement that?chouser: a deftype and ... a function?fliebel: *looks up deftype*chouser: actually, just a deftype would do, though it's not quite as pretty.fliebel: I don't think I get it.chouser: (rseq (rest (drop 10 (IterBi. 0 inc dec)))) ;=> (5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 ...)chouser: so that's what you wanted, right? interesting idea.fliebel: I understand how I can do without the fn, but I don't understand deftype.chouser: actually, you don't need deftype either. you could use reify or proxy if you prefer, and a normal function.fliebel: I never worked with those 1.2 things before. So it's going to be a lot of learning :)chouser: so... how shall we proceed? You want to see my code or should I try to drop hints or ask leading questions?fliebel: the later one :) extended with my guessing and readingfliebel: So I basically need to look up the ISeq interface and overwrite a few methods?chouser: ok, so how would you use deftype or reify to implement an ISeq that just repeats the same value over and overfliebel: Where can I find the ISeq interface?fliebel: I guess it'd be (reify clojure.lang.ISeq (first [this] 1)) but that failsfliebel: Do I need to implement all of them? Or can I just use a concrete subclass of ISeq?chouser: just implement the ones you need for now. What happens when you call 'first' on your reify there?fliebel: I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when defining it, because ISeq is an abstract interface.chouser: are you sure that's why?fliebel: Hm, first works, but just defining it fails.chouser: Ah, repl evaluateschouser: yep, and after E is Pfliebel: ?chouser: REPLfliebel: ahchouser: and printing a seq means walking it an printing each of the items. we're not ready for that.fliebel: I seechouser: so, (first ...) works. what about (next ...)?fliebel: let me try..fliebel: What about more and cons?chouser: ignore them for now.fliebel: yea, but not doing second on it still gives me the error.chouser: it's a shame it doesn't tell you the specific method it's trying to call that fails.fliebel: It doesn't even give a line or file.chouser: right, so use (.printStackTrace *e)fliebel: But seq isn't in ISeq, or is that up in Seqable?chouser: Yea, but you can put it under ISeq in your reifyfliebel: I know, but I need to know it’s interface.fliebel: right‚ Now I made it return a list. It prints that and *then* gives the same error.chouser: yeah. so that final error is it calling equiv. not sure whyfliebel: hm, Do we need to fix that?chouser: probably notfliebel: (reify clojure.lang.ISeq (first [this] 1) (next [this] this) (seq [this] (list 1 2 3)))chouser: do you have an ISeq handy already for your 'seq' to return?fliebel: this?chouser: what happens when you try it?fliebel: I guess it'll print a lot of 1sfliebel: okay, it does :)chouser: good job!fliebel: but take 10 doesn't work yetchouser: take is calling your (unimplemented) rest methodfliebel: I keep forgetting the difference between next and rest. There aren’t any docstrings on ISeq :(chouser: the difference between more (called by clojure.core/rest) and next only matters when being very careful about nearly vs. complete laziness.ohpauleez: new rest is almost always what you want, except when you don'tchouser: that is, we don't really care much. So what happens if your 'more' is the same as your 'next'?fliebel: Works :)chouser: congrats!fliebel: I know how to reverse it :Dchouser: :-Pchouser: ok, but you want to apply a function instead of just repeating, right? how would you do that?fliebel: Hey, my ISeq doesn't implement clojure.lang.Reversiblechouser: hm, what are going to do about that?fliebel: I don't think reify allows me to define multiple ancestors :(fliebel: I would not have led you astrayfliebel: Can I nest reifies? :Pchouser: yes, but that's not what you want here.fliebel: Nope :(chouser: according to the deftype docs, "Each spec consists of..."?fliebel: ah...fliebel: I added clojure.lang.Reversible (rev [this] this)fliebel: (. rev (rseq)) what is this?chouser: ancient syntax. the same as (.rseq rev)fliebel: lolfliebel: Can we go somewhat more down the inheritance tree to find something that covers the basics? Or do we need everything customized anyway?chouser: reify doesn't let you inherit from anything but pure interfaces.fliebel: So what is next?fliebel: I'm now struggling with where to keep state and how to modify things without an endless recursion.chouser: yep. hint: fn args are state== diner & work pause ==fliebel: sure :) I nearly got it working :)chouser: ok, back. That's great. what have you got?fliebel:chouser: nice!fliebel: thanks :) You're a good teacher :)chouser: I think that's the same as what I have. but you said "nearly"?fliebel: The problem I had was that first was defined as the first of this, but I couldn't do (first this) of course.chouser: if you want to "check" your answer:fliebel: this is your version?chouser: yepfliebel: very close :) Only you have equiv defined and next uses more. Does it matter if you use (.more method call) or rest?chouser: not really. yours is probably fasterbut duplicates half a line of code. :-)fliebel: yea... :(chouser: so take your pick. what you've got is good.fliebel: One problem I have is that drop 5 returns a lazy seq which I can't reverse.chouser: yeah, you see how I work around that in my example?fliebel: rest, I used seq to do the jobchouser: oh! smart!chouser: interesting -- I hadn't considered that, and wouldn't have been sure it would work. nicely done.fliebel: I wasn’t sure it would work, but seq is magic you know...fliebel: One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to make a seq that goes 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1, so changes direction in the middle.chouser: ((fn f [s] (lazy-seq (cons (first s) (f (rest (if (zero? (rem (first s) 5)) (rseq (seq s)) s)))))) (iter-bi 1 inc dec))fliebel: I'm going to try and understand :)chouser: BTW, I wanted to call attention to my comment on rseq. I think we're abusing it here and probably ought to define a new protocol instead. (defprotocol Spinnable (spin [_])) or something.fliebel: Okay. that simple?chouser: yepfliebel: So now in reify I replace reversible with spinnable?chouser: there, now you don't have to call seq manually on lazy-seqs:fliebel: What? You can just add behavior to existing types? Am I in #ruby?chouser: nope. in clojure we do it without monkey patching or adapter classes. :-)chouser: I mean "nope" you're not in #ruby. Of course you can write new functions that take existing classes as args that then do their own thing with them.fliebel: But you just added extra behavior to LazySeq, right?dnolen: it's a properly namespaced extension tho. It's not visible to other namespaces.chouser: it certainly looks like I did. In this case we could have written spin like: (defn spin [x] (if (instance? LazySeq x) ...))) right?fliebel: I think so...chouser: it's our function, we just defined it with defprotocol which allows us to add new cases on the flyfliebel: yaychouser: essentially. Except then rhickey sprinkled it with magic dust to make it very fast.fliebel: :)chouser: it's good to know not everyone knows about this yet -- it's my topic at Strange Loopfliebel: oh, I feel special now :)chouser: good I'm glad! But... why?fliebel: Because I know something not everyone knows ;)chouser: ah, good!fliebel: Except that I'm not o sure yet what exactly you just said. Only that it's magic and fast. Two things I like especially.chouser: Here are the basics: I tried to read that this morning, but maybe with my new knowledge I can understand it.ohpauleez: Joy of Clojure has an awesome section on proxy, reify, defprotocol, and defrecord. I reference it often to judge if I'm abusing somethingchouser: thanks. didn't want to say it myself. :-)ohpauleez: At the point you're at in Clojure (based on what I follow in here), you'd get a lot of mileage out of it.ohpauleez: and the biggest problem I had in clojure was deciding, "when"fliebel: “when”?ohpauleez: Joy of Clojure it helped me a lot with thatohpauleez: In Clojure, you have this whole array of functionality. Take concurrencywe all have that little chart burned in our brains by nowwe know vars and atoms and agentsbut when should I be using promises over futures, or when am I abusing a future and should really be using an agentwhen should I use protocols and not some other small hackfliebel: right… I have that problem a lot indeedohpauleez: Joy of Clojure is structured by answering when, and for me, that pulled it all together.chouser: that's very encouraging, thanks.fliebel: wow, under 10 there is a whole set of "when to use … "