After reading this hint, I wanted to get it working with my previous script to open links in the currently running browser.
I did not use OnMyCommand, but instead just made an Automator service. Here is how:
- Open Automator and create a service
- Set the type to text
- Add the ‘Run shell script’ action
- Set the shell to Python and the input to ‘as arguments’
- Paste the script below
The script(this text serves only to satisfy Posterous’s parsing engine, which is seriously pissing me off):
import sys import urllib import webbrowser"" + urllib.quote(sys.argv[1]))
You need to have my previous script installed to do the actual opening of the url. With some more trickery, it is even possible to add this service as a keyboard shortcut. I suggest you Google around a bit, and comment if you find something revolutionary.